
Guide To Prevent & Treat Matted Carpets
May 25th, 2018

Guide To Prevent & Treat Matted Carpets

When the carpet fibers untwist, and then get entangled with other fibers, it leads to matting. Needless to say, it makes your carpet look ugly, difficult to clean and maintain.

It also locks in the dust particles and can be a breeding ground for dust mites, fleas, bacteria, and mold. It’s unhygienic and aesthetically displeasing.

Generally, people think matted carpets are a sign of a carpet wearing off and it’s unavoidable. However, there are many reasons why your carpet can get in that ugly shape.

Top 4 Causes Of A Matted Carpet

1. Heavy foot traffic

The most common cause of matting in carpets is the heavy traffic. Obviously, it’s more common in commercial carpets as compared to the residential ones.

But if a specific spot on your carpet has higher foot traffic than usual, for example, the carpeted area near the entrance of your house, it’ll be more prone to matting.

2. Dirt and Soil

Foot traffic combined with an already dirty carpet can also be the leading cause of carpet matting. The dirt particles and grime make the carpet fibers stick together and form clots. It’s the major cause of this problem.

3. Heavy Furniture

Moving heavy furniture on the floor or just letting the heavy furniture stay at a specific spot without moving it for months can cause the areas under the furniture to get matted.

It’s because of the pressure of these heavy objects. The pressure flattens the fibers and compresses them.

4. Lack of Routine Maintenance

Excessive soil maybe considered the culprit but it’s very much a voluntary choice. You can avoid the soil from ruining your carpet by maintaining a carpet cleaning routine.

How To Avoid A Matted Carpet?

Yes, the causes we discussed above can fasten the process of carpet matting but it’s the truth that it happens throughout the year. You cannot totally avoid it but you can limit its impact.

1. Professional Carpet Cleaning Once A Year To Avoid It Altogether

If you go for professional cleaning once a year – in autumn or winter, you’ll most likely avoid matted carpets.

Professional cleaning would directly attack the issue of soiling. Moreover, it’s highly likely that you’ll move all that furniture in the room during this task and hence, reduce the chances of carpet matting even further.

2. Keep Moving The Furniture

Heavy furniture is one of the leading causes of carpet matting. To avoid it, consider moving the furniture slightly every few weeks or change the complete setting of your room after a few months.

While moving, don’t drag the furniture on the carpet. Pick it up and move.

Also, try to have different walkways so that the amount of traffic on each area of the carpet is almost equal.

3. Do Regular Vacuuming

Vacuuming removes the dirt particles that cause matting and also, due to the suction, the carpet fibers fluff up, making them more resistant to matting.

You must try to vacuum high-traffic areas daily. Otherwise, vacuum at least once a week.

4. Use Castor Cups

Castor cups reduce the impact of pointed furniture on the carpet, by increasing the surface area of furniture parts in contact with the carpeted area.

Alternatively, picking furniture with a wider base can also prevent this problem.

How To Fix A Matted Carpet?

1. DIY Home remedies

Even after the preventive measures, if your carpet fibers have started clotting, you can try some of the DIY home remedies mentioned below:

  • Take some ice cubes and put them over the affected areas. Let them melt. Then, try to pick out the matted fibers with a spoon.
  • Blow a hair dryer on the affected areas and then comb the fibers.
  • Vacuum the affected area, in different directions, for 3-5 times.
  • Place a damp white towel on the affected area and iron over it.

These DIY methods are effective, but it depends on the level of matting.

A heavily matted carpet, ignored for months can be hard to fix with these DIY methods. They work best on freshly matted carpets.

2. Hot Water Extraction To Remove The Dirt & Grime

If the DIY methods don’t work, opt for hot water extraction, also known as steam cleaning.

It’s the only (and the best) method that works well to remove the dirt and grease particles, that ultimately cause the matting. The soap and hot stream of water will extract out the matting.

It should be a part of your yearly carpet cleaning routine, anyway. The best time to opt for professional carpet cleaning in Columbia is autumn or early winter.

3. Carpet Replacement

The right course of action is first to try the DIY methods we suggested. If they don’t work, opt for professional carpet cleaning. In the worst case scenario, you’ll need to replace the carpet.

Don’t be worried. Carpet replacement becomes a necessity only when a carpet is heavily neglected for years. In most cases, professional carpet cleaning will fix the problem but you’ll have to be regular with that.

To sum it up, carpet matting is a common issue that arises with the regular use of a carpet.

The pressure of the heavy furniture and the dirt worsens the situation. Don’t brush it off thinking it’s just an aesthetic related issue.

It is as a matted carpet looks ugly but it also may reduce the life of your carpet and cause health issues due to the disease-causing organisms that make a home in these lumps.

It can be avoided with regular carpet care – vacuuming, moving the furniture and balancing the traffic on each area of the carpet.

If not, you can try some DIY remedies or opt for professional carpet cleaning to fix the issue.

Ignoring it for too long may make you need complete carpet replacement, but never let it get that bad,  if you can avoid it.

We, Dri-Masters, offer professional carpet cleaning in Columbia and can help you avoid the carpet matting issue. Get in touch with us to know more about our services.