
The Ultimate Guide to Carpet Cleaning
June 16th, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Carpet Cleaning

Carpet is an excellent investment, and it doesn’t make sense to ignore it and let it wither away when you can make it last for decades.


Before we dive into the details, here are some quick pointers for you to know what you’re diving into.


Developing a maintenance schedule contributes to extending a carpet’s life. Any accident that may affect the carpet should be addressed immediately.


This two-step system, if developed, will eradicate all your carpet-related issues.


Why do you need this guide to carpet cleaning and maintenance?


Do you like to save money? Hell yes! Most of us live paycheck to paycheck with no money to fulfill our worldly desires. Saving some money would make us happier.


Understand that a carpet that lasts longer will cost you less, ultimately. On average, a carpet owner spends around $700 – $2000 on carpet installation excluding the cost of actual carpet which is around $1 – $10 per square foot as well as excluding the high costs of professional carpet cleaning.


Think about what happens when your carpet doesn’t even last for 5-10 years. You will have to bear this massive sum of money.


Do the math and see how much you can save if your carpet lasts even a decade longer! (and it can)


The whole point of carpet cleaning and this maintenance guide is to help you save that money and go on that holiday.


Isn’t vacuuming enough for cleaning your carpet?


The above question may still be lurking in your mind – “can’t I just get it done with regular vacuuming?” Present-day carpets are designed to disguise dirt.


You wouldn’t see it and even feel like vacuuming until it’s too late. By the time you get to it, the dust gets settled in and starts doing damage to the fibers.


So, you can never rely on your judgment. You have to follow a schedule. Even then, there will be some dirt and bacteria that will slip away. For that, you need professional carpet cleaning services.


How to adequately maintain your carpet?


Imagine the secret to clean carpets as a 5-step lock. You need five keys to open it, or you will never achieve your desired results.


Those five steps are:

  1. Preventative maintenance


2. Vacuuming


3. Spot removal


4. Interim cleaning


5. Deep cleaning


1. Preventive maintenance


It involves strategies to keep the dirt out of your carpet. Through multiple methods, you have to choose what’s most suitable for you.


Restricting the entry of dirty shoes or placing area rugs works well.


Setting a rug under the dining table will ensure there are no spills on the carpet and an area rug just outside your bathroom will ensure there are no wet footmarks on your carpet.


Think about all the other things that you can do to prevent dust deposition and stains on your carpet. All of them are a part of preventive maintenance.


2. Vacuuming


Although we discussed how dust might slip away, you should remember that if you’re regular and consistent with vacuuming you needn’t worry about dust. Vacuum twice a week, everywhere, even along the corners.


You know that carpet cleaning in Bethesda, MD is not an easy task, considering all the sand and dust that collects on your carpets here.


3. Spot removal


Keep a DIY stain removal kit handy and learn some tricks to treat the spots immediately. Imply them without delay, and there are high chances, you will never need to call a professional cleaning company for spot removal.


4. Interim cleaning


Once a year, go for low-moisture cleaning that could help to restore the luster of your fibers while carefully eliminating the disease-causing bacteria as well as harmful dust particles.


If you’re residing in humid areas surrounded by beaches such as Bethesda MD, carpet cleaning just got easier for you. Dri Masters is the carpet cleaning expert you should be relying upon.


5. Deep cleaning


If you follow the first four steps, the last one is required the least number of times. However, if you feel you need extensive cleaning, you can go for a deep cleaning method.


There you go! You know how to maintain your carpet and make it last longer. In case, you need more advice on carpet cleaning, directly give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer ALL your queries.


A great way to preserve your carpet is by hiring a. As discussed earlier, carpet installation and maintenance are expensive.


Hiring a local carpet cleaner near you can help you restore the quality of your carpets and elongate its lifespan. You wouldn’t have to spend all your money on replacing it.


We at Dri-Masters are carpet enthusiasts and can help your carpet look young and fresh. Reach out to us for carpet cleaning at 800-897-4032.