
How to Clean Your Carpet Without Using a Vacuum Cleaner?
July 6th, 2018

How to Clean Your Carpet Without Using a Vacuum Cleaner?

Are you tired of using a vacuum cleaner everytime you want to get rid of crumbs or dirt from your carpet?

Then you don’t have to use one!

Surprised, don’t be. It’s completely possible.

If you thought you only needed those snazzy carpet cleaning machines and over-the-top vacuum cleaners to clean your carpet, then you were clearly mistaken.

So, if you’ve been researching for ways to clean your carpet without using a vacuum cleaner or any fancy machine whatsoever, then you’re in luck.

Here’s what you can do.

5 Ways to Clean Your Carpet Without Using a Vacuum Cleaner

There may be times when you don’t want to use a vacuum cleaner because your baby might be sleeping, you may have an annoying neighbor or worse, your machine is broken.

Or then you simply want to save money on your monthly utility bills.

Whatever your reason, here are 5 awesome ways to clean your carpets without denting your pockets.

1. Use a Sweeper

Sweepers have been in existence since a long time. So, why not use it for clearing smaller areas of the carpet?

They should be the first choice for anyone looking to clean carpets.

Benefits of Using a Sweeper

  • They clean the top-most layer only. Hence, carpets won’t be damaged.
  • They are very affordable. You can get some good ones under $50.
  • They are light in weight and can be carried around very easily.

Have any carpet cleaning questions? All of them answered here.

2. Sponge and Soapy Water

Sponge, soap and water are easily available and you can use them to clean your carpets effectively.

Soap allows thorough cleaning and water carries the grime out of the dirty areas of your carpet.

Benefits of Cleaning With Sponge and Soapy Water

  • You can clean deeper stains by rubbing against the direction of the surface of the carpet.
  • It’s very easy to clean with sponge and water – wring the sponge out of the soapy water and gently wipe the carpet.
  • This method can clean hair, fur, dirt as well as deeper stains.

You will see surprising results by using this method.

However, the only flip side is that it requires considerable time and energy.

3. Shake-it-off

No, this is not the Taylor Swift song!

But this another great as well as cost-effective method to get rid of those dirty stains.

Follow These 3 Steps

  1. Take those dirty carpets and hang them outside in the sun over the fence.
  2. Beat them with fence rackets in all directions to get the dirt out. Sunshine plays a vital role in replenishing the quality of the carpet.
  3. Let them hang there for some time or until you feel it’s necessary.

4. Shaving Cream

Yeah, you read that right!

It’s true, even something as unusual as shaving cream can be put to use to clean your carpets.

Follow These 4 Steps

  • Mark the stain. Moisten the area with a damp sponge or rag. Apply shaving cream to the mark.
  • If the mark consists of tea, coffee, sauce or grease, then work the cream onto the stain with an old toothbrush and leave it for 8-10 minutes depending on the depth of your stain.
  • Wipe the area with a moist sponge and allow it to dry thoroughly.
  • If you want an alternative to shaving cream, then use water + baking soda, or also you can soak the stain with a few drops of spirit vinegar.

For more such useful tips, watch out for our #CarpetCleaningTips every Tuesday on our social media handles – Twitter and Facebook.

5. Brooms

The kind on which Harry Potter is seen flying around Hogwarts! But with no such magical powers.

The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that you’ll need to sweep once a day, or more depending on your situation.

If you have pets and kids, then you’ll need to sweep more often.

How do you clean your carpets without a vacuum cleaner?

Let us know in the comments below.

Dri-Masters for Carpet Cleaning in Philadelphia, PA

If you are doing all that you can to save your carpets from alien agents and are also wondering, “Where can I look for a carpet cleaner near me?”, then you can call Dri-Masters for expert carpet cleaning in Philadelphia.

7 Reasons to Call Dri-Masters

  1. They are licensed, insured, and bonded.
  2. They have over 20 years of experience in the carpet cleaning industry.
  3. Their staff is well equipped with the required knowledge, practical training, and equipment.
  4. They are always courteous and punctual.
  5. Their customers speak highly of them.
  6. They give FREE estimates.
  7. They also offer 100% customer satisfaction.

Call them on 888-763-9794 today. They’d love to guide you on carpet cleaning.