
8 Everyday Doable and Cheap Hacks to Keep Your Carpet Clean at all Times!
March 7th, 2018

8 Everyday Doable and Cheap Hacks to Keep Your Carpet Clean at all Times!

Usually, carpets in most homes take a lot of time to clean, and it isn’t just a one-time thing too, it’s a regular duty. (oh! yes, you know it’s a ‘DUTY’)

It’s especially harder for working professionals. If you get a holiday, it probably goes in cleaning chores around the home.

And, as everyone knows, carpets take a whole lot of these weekends.

Even on regular days, there are numerous stains on your carpet, and if you don’t treat them immediately, then it’s no good.

But, let’s face it, none of us really have the energy to clean it every day or call in a professional all the time.

It’s not only expensive, but it’s also time-consuming, and you will have to call them on a holiday.

Therefore, to save your day, here are the easiest and best hacks available to protect your carpets and weekends.

8 Everyday Hacks for Clean Carpets

1. Before Buying, Choose Good Quality Carpet

This hack is applicable even before you buy the carpet.

If you’re planning to buy a new carpet or replace the older one, here are a few things that you need to remember.

  • More the weight of the carpet, more are the fibers in it. This means that the carpet will last longer.
  • The common types of manufacturing fibers include wool, acrylic, polyester and nylon. The kind of the thread also decides the life of the carpet.
  • More the density more is the life of the carpet.
  • Maintaining the carpet as recommended by the manufacturer is equally important to ensure you don’t damage them.

2. Use Ice Cube to Remove Dents and Gums

  • If the chewing gum gets stuck to the carpet, all you have to do is wait for the chewing to get a little hard. Then rub a couple of ice cubes on it, the gum will eventually get so hard that you can rip it off your rug.
  • When you have fluff carpets, they tend to create dents if a heavy object is placed on them. All you need to do is place ice cubes on the dent and once they melt leave it to dry then vacuum as per usual.

3. Shoe Caps

Living with toddlers is hard, and even adult men are no less than kids, therefore, make them wear shoe caps in case they are wearing shoes inside the house.

Shoe caps blunt out the imprints of the shoes, you can use the same method if there’s a party or get together.

4. Rubbing Alcohol

It’s a ‘been there, done that’ situation when it comes to nail polish. Everyone has spilled it on the carpet at least once in their lives.

However, the best way is to let it dry and then pour acetone on it and wipe it out with cotton swabs or pads.

Don’t worry, it won’t bleach off your carpet as it’s composition isn’t that strong.

5. Remove Dirt Stains with Shaving Cream

Oh yes, you read that right!

If you have light colored carpets at home, they will get way dirtier than the darker ones.

There will be visible dirt and skid marks on your carpet that will make it look too bad.

So if you don’t have time to wash it immediately, rub any shaving cream on the rug and let it sit on the fibers.

The marks will be almost negligible and it also makes your carpet soft.

6. Pet Accidents

We all love our pets and who doesn’t like a fluffy ball of fur following them everywhere.

However, when your pets aren’t trained, they love to pee or poop on the carpet.

So, for all the pet stains, the best solution is baking soda and vinegar.

Sprinkle baking soda on the stain, then spray some vinegar, leave them for a couple of hours and then rub with lukewarm water and brush; then you can vacuum.

7. Recipe for Deodorizer

Everyone want their carpets smelling fresh 24/7, and not only went the pros come and clean it.

That said, you also don’t want it to harm your kids or your pets.

So how do we reach a middle ground with this?

Quite simple, make a fragrant deodorizer at home.

BUT before the recipe, a disclaimer, the smell of borax and baking soda are quite strong. So, ensure that they don’t irritate your kids or pets.

Step 1 – Take two tablespoons of borax.

Step 2 – Add 10 drops of essential oil.

Step 3 – Follow it by two cups of baking soda.

And, voila! It’s done.

Borax kills germs, oil freshens up the carpet, and baking soda absorbs the bad smell.

8. Runners and Area Rugs

You can’t deny that the rugs feel incredibly nice when you step on it barefoot – the softness of the fur.

You’re probably aware that these rugs are costly and not meant for high traffic areas like at the entrance, in the living room, on the stairs, and in the hallway as it will wear out faster.

Therefore, the most logical thing to do would be to buy cheap runners and area rugs for commonly used places, which you can easily replace and it won’t be too heavy on your pocket.

Why not place them on your carpet?

This will save your carpet, and also, you don’t have to vacuum the entire carpet area each time. Just clean the runners or rugs!

So there you have it!

These are some the easiest and most cost-effective carpet cleaning hacks out there.

What’s more is that you can actually apply a few of these right away.

Let’s be honest, hiring a professional each time is not possible and may not even be in your budget.

But if you’re looking for a carpet cleaning solution in Lancaster, then why not get in touch with Dri-Masters for professional carpet cleaning services.

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